By Heru Ammen
I try to maintain a certain level of decorum and objectivity when I post on this blog. However I've grown weary of the constant whining about the 'O' man from the old head (so called) black leaders and the do nothing black preacher sect.
The shinitz is wearing a brother out. It's expected that the racists in the Democratic and Republican parties would come after Obama. Any adult person of African Ascent knows to expect a certain amount of racism living in American from those that embrace an "AmeriKKKlan" mindset. However what gets me funked up is the rise of the Obama haters club for disenchanted and shuffling Negroes that sprung up for the express (and failed) purpose of taking Obama down by any means necessary.
Too many of our so called black leaders and preachers have been compromised. They sit in the shadows and at the footstools of corrupt power and when the spotlight shines on them, they do a jig and assume their place as the personal sock puppets of their racist enablers. They are wholly ineffective; offering nothing except lame marches, more pie in the sky-heaven by and by sermons, seminar gab-fabs, and programs that put more money in their pockets and more misery in our communities.
With Senator Obama having taken his place as the Democratic nominee for President, he will be calling the shots for the Democratic party. He is now the leader and Obama haters such as Tavis Smiley, Bob Johnson, and Andrew Young, et al, have been effectively eviscerated from the "player's club" of the Democratic Party. I say good riddance.
The shinitz is wearing a brother out. It's expected that the racists in the Democratic and Republican parties would come after Obama. Any adult person of African Ascent knows to expect a certain amount of racism living in American from those that embrace an "AmeriKKKlan" mindset. However what gets me funked up is the rise of the Obama haters club for disenchanted and shuffling Negroes that sprung up for the express (and failed) purpose of taking Obama down by any means necessary.
Too many of our so called black leaders and preachers have been compromised. They sit in the shadows and at the footstools of corrupt power and when the spotlight shines on them, they do a jig and assume their place as the personal sock puppets of their racist enablers. They are wholly ineffective; offering nothing except lame marches, more pie in the sky-heaven by and by sermons, seminar gab-fabs, and programs that put more money in their pockets and more misery in our communities.
With Senator Obama having taken his place as the Democratic nominee for President, he will be calling the shots for the Democratic party. He is now the leader and Obama haters such as Tavis Smiley, Bob Johnson, and Andrew Young, et al, have been effectively eviscerated from the "player's club" of the Democratic Party. I say good riddance.